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Definition of Cyber Crime । What is Cyber crime

Cybercrime refers to criminal activities committed using the internet or other forms of digital communication technology. This type of crime has rapidly increased in recent years due to the growing use of technology and the internet in our daily lives.

Examples of cybercrime include identity theft, hacking into personal or corporate accounts, phishing scams, spreading viruses or malware, and cyberstalking. With the increasing use of online banking, shopping, and other sensitive personal and financial transactions, the potential for cybercrime has also increased.

Identity theft is a common form of cybercrime in which a criminal obtains sensitive personal information, such as a Social Security number or credit card information, to fraudulently access the victim’s accounts or open new ones in their name.

Hacking is another popular form of cybercrime, in which criminals gain unauthorized access to computer systems or personal accounts to steal sensitive information or cause harm. Hacking can range from simple nuisance attacks to large-scale cyberattacks on corporations or government entities.

Phishing scams are another common form of cybercrime, in which criminals pose as legitimate entities to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial information.

Spreading viruses or malware is another type of cybercrime that can cause serious harm to computer systems and networks. This can lead to data loss, unauthorized access, or other malicious activities.

Cyberstalking is a form of harassment that involves using technology, such as social media or email, to threaten, intimidate, or harass someone. This type of crime can have serious psychological effects on the victim and can be just as damaging as physical stalking.

In conclusion, cybercrime is a growing threat that affects individuals, corporations, and government entities. It is important to be aware of the dangers and to take steps to protect oneself and one's sensitive information online. This can include using strong passwords, being cautious of phishing scams, and keeping software up-to-date to reduce the risk of being a victim of cybercrime.